Brunswick Phonograph Serial Numbers


Brunswick Antique Hand Crank Phonograph Model YO Serial Number 234330 - Fully Working Condition Plays Great! Lot #114 Item: 4b Montgomery, MN. Brunswick phonograph serial numbers. Or letter stamped onto it along with the serial number for that actual phonograph. Tags are usually located near the turntable or at the back of the cabinet. Brunswick Phonograph Serial Numbers. On April 1-4, 1930 the plant closed for inventory and was purchased by Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. It was announced that three thousand workers would be employed after expansion. (11) The new company, called Brunswick Radio Corporation, manufactured radios, phonographs and loudspeakers. Employment averaged between 400-500 people.

Brunswick Phonograph Value

Our not quite comprehensive guide to identification of many Edison, Victor, Columbia and other talking machines and phonographs ca. 1877-1925.
Victor outside horn

Victor Victrolas

Columbia Graphophone cylinder models

Columbia Graphophone Outside Horn Disc models

Columbia Grafonolas

Columbia derivative (Machines using Columbia components, but not branded as Columbia.)


Edison outside horn cylinder phonographs

Edison Diamond Disc phonographs

Edison Amberola phonographs


Hawthorne and Sheble



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